Film series coming to library


With the new year comes a new film series at the Fayette County Public Library. Kicking off Jan. 7, and running through Feb. 20, get ready for the Academy Awards with “Countdown to the Oscars,” a retrospective of selected Best Picture winners from the 1930s to the 21st century.

The free screenings take place Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and Friday afternoons at 3 p.m. Audience members can enjoy free popcorn and lemonade while they watch, courtesy of the Friends of the Fayette County Public Library.

“We can’t list the names of the films in the paper, since the terms of our public screening license forbid the use of movie titles in our publicity outside the building,” says Sarah Trowbridge, a public services librarian at Fayette County Public Library and the organizer of the film series and other adult programming at the library.

“I can tell you that we will be showing the Best Picture winners from 1930, 1935, 1945, 1949, 1955, 1957, 1963, 1966, 1967, 1973, 1989, and 2001 – in chronological order. A great online resource for discovering which movies won those years is the Internet Movie Database:”

Another way to find out what’s showing is to call the Fayette County Public Library at 770-461-8841 and asking for the film titles in the “Countdown to the Oscars” series.

A printed schedule for the series, including movie titles and descriptions, is available for pickup at the library. All screenings are free and open to the public, thanks to generous support from the Friends of the Fayette County Public Library.

The Fayette County Public Library is located behind the Fayette County administration complex in downtown Fayetteville, at the southwest corner of Ga. Highways 85 and 54. For additional information, please contact the library at 770-461-8841 or visit online at