Weaver and Family Time will be featured at St. Paul’s Jan. 25


The founder and CEO of Family Time Training (www.famtime.com), Kirk Weaver, will be the special guest at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Peachtree City Jan. 25.

The Family Time ministry group offers innovative family devotion materials.

Weaver will offer training to lead family devotions in the home.

Weaver will lead the children’s sermon during worship. Then, during the Sunday School hour, he will give some special insight into Family Time Training.

The day wraps up with the highlight event — a one hour training and lunch starting at noon.

Both children and adultsi will get separate training in the Family Time model.

Members of St. Paul will then have a one year subscription to Family Time with privileges of downloading FamilyTime materials off the web site.

The mission of Family Time Training is to train families to teach children Christian principles and values in the home.

“Family Time” is a term used to describe fun, intentional, spiritual lessons in the home.

For some, the term “Family Time” may conjure up visions of adults and children playing a board game or watching a movie together.

However here, Family Time represents so much more.

In addition to spending fun time together, Family Time lessons are used to teach specific Christian values, character qualities and spiritual beliefs.

“I’m too busy,” is the number one reason why most families do not offer their children spiritual training in the home.

Family Time encourage families to do a lesson once a week (most Family Time lessons take less than 20 minutes).

Most families would agree that they could take 20 minutes out of the 10,080 minutes in each week to provide homebased spiritual training for their children.

“Devotions are boring,” is the second reason why parents don’t provide spiritual training in the home. Family Time lessons use the language of children’s activities and object lessons to make spiritual lessons fun, effective and memorable.

Those planning to attend are asked to RSVP to [email protected] or call the church office, 770-487-0339.