Car wash, oil change shop may be headed to Fischer Crossing

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Car wash, oil change shop may be headed to Fischer Crossing

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The Coweta County Commission on Feb. 17 will hear a rezoning request for a 2-acre tract near the Sam’s Club at Fischer Crossing that could lead to the construction of a car wash and oil lube facility.

The property located on the northwest corner of Ga. Highway 34and Fischer Road is currently zoned C-7 (commercial major shopping district) and is being proposed for a C-8 (heavy commercial shopping district) zoning designation.

The conceptual site plan for the proposed automotive complex would include a 3-bay oil lube business totaling 1,950 sq. ft., a 2,800 sq. ft. detail center, a 3,200 sq. ft. carwash/equipment room, a pay kiosk canopy and a vacuum pump canopy.

The county planning department is recommending that the proposal be denied.

Zoning Administrator Angela White in a Feb. 6 letter said, “The site plan is very difficult to conceive of actually coming to fruition as the various buildings are all located in front yard setbacks. What once began in telephone discussions as a car wash has become an automotive complex.”

Planning staff in a review of the request said the proposed uses are not consistent with the intent of the Coweta County Comprehensive Plan and the Crossroads Character area.

Staff said the submitted plan does not incorporate setbacks, landscape, parking or material designs reflecting current requirements.

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