Christian Science lecturer to be featured at Fayette County Library Saturday


Mark McCurties, a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship and a practitioner of Christian Science healing, will present a talk titled, “Making meaningful change: How God’s love can change your life and the world,” on Saturday, March 14,  at 2 p.m. at the Fayette County Public Library, 1821 Heritage Parkway in Fayetteville. The event is sponsored by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Fayetteville. There is no charge to attend.

In a world where millions of people are striving to make change for the better, in a world seeking positive change, how do we make such change actually happen? McCurties says, “We all have a natural desire to improve ourselves and the world around us. In my own life I’ve found that letting God, divine Love, guide and direct my efforts brings permanent, meaningful results.”

The ideas in the lecture are based on the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Bible, and as discussed in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy.

 “Our desire to change ourselves, improve our character, our relationships, our life prospects goes beyond just the boundary of our own lives. Men and women around the world have a sincere yearning to improve the collective experience of mankind,” says McCurties. “In this lecture, I will explain how God’s loving and saving power is the greatest agent for change, and through a right understanding of God, His power can be seen and felt right here and now, bringing health and peace to the world.”

McCurties says he has a life-long love of the Bible and its inspiring message of individual triumph over adversity. After graduating from college he spent years in the field of education working as a camp director, experiential educator, resident counselor, and athletics coach. Working with young people, he says he had many opportunities to witness the healing power of God. These inspiring experiences eventually led him into the full-time public practice of Christian Science.

 McCurties’s home is in Elsah, Ill.