Get ready for 6th Annual All American Run


The Peachtree City Running Club and the American Legion Peachtree City Post 50 are jointly sponsoring the 6th Annual All American Run/Walk/Phantom on Saturday, May 23.

Runners, joggers, and walkers are all needed for the All American 5K/10K and all proceeds will be used to support community activities. 

To obtain an application for the All American, log on to the Peachtree City Running Club web site at  For questions, call Race Director Leigh Blood at 404-775-9697 or email [email protected]. The first 500 entrants will receive a special high-tech race shirt.

The American Legion is the oldest veteran’s group in the United States. The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness.

Peachtree City boasts one of the largest and most active posts in Georgia and has over 400 members. Virtually 100 percent of the funds collected by the post are used to support community programs.

Some of the many programs supported by the American Legion include;

  • Veteran’s Assistance;
  • Boys and Girls State/Nation — among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students;
  • American Legion Youth Baseball — the program registers more than 5,400 teams in all 50 states, including Canada and Puerto Rico;
  • Oratorical Contest — the Oratorical Contest presents participants with an academic speaking challenge that teaches important leadership qualities and the history of our nation’s laws;
  • Scholarships — the American Legion offers a number of scholarships and other resources to assist young people in their pursuit of higher education;
  • Sponsorship of Boy Scouts of America local Troops.

The Peachtree City post also hosts the annual Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day Ceremonies held at City Hall.  Last year, the Peachtree City post was able to sponsor 12 high school students to Boys State, more than any other local post. The post was also able to fully sponsor a youth baseball team throughout the entire season.