Georgia Carry meeting July 23


The July meeting of the South Metro GeorgiaCarry.Org chapter is scheduled for Thursday, July 23, 6-8:30 p.m. at the Fayette Event Center, 174 North Glynn St. in Fayetteville (behind Arby’s and Captain Ds, off Hwy. 85, north of the court house).

The first hour is a pizza party/social hour. Please RSVP to [email protected] or [email protected] by July 22 if you plan to attend so there is enough to eat and drink (tea and bottled water). Cost is $7 per person.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. and no RSVP is required. “Scenario Chris” will be presenting “What would you do?” It is billed as “a thought-provoking scenario for all to ponder and weigh in with your assessment.”

This month’s speaker, set for 7:30, will be Matthew Podowitz. He will present “Why and How To Talk With Your Children About Gun Safety (Even If You Don’t Own Guns).”

The date and location for the August meeting will be confirmed soon, and the scheduled speaker is state Rep. Marty Harbin.