Heritage presents gifts, donations to Inman Elementary at annual luncheon


Heritage Christian Church hosted its annual Inman Elementary School Faculty Luncheon on Friday, July 31.

Each year, Heritage collects school supplies throughout the summer for the teacher classrooms and presents the donations at the luncheon.

Mike Conaway, Heritage’s pastor of discipleship and community engagement, said this year’s collections outnumbered last year’s.  

He adds, “Our relationship with the staff at Inman continues to grow and we see more and more opportunity to serve this school.”

In addition to the summer school collections, Heritage partners with Inman on a backpack ministry that provides backpacks of food for children each week.

Besides the weekly backpacks, Heritage participates in various programs, supports the staff and is active in several functions at the school.

“Our partnership with Inman principal Dr. Luis Robinson is one we hold in high esteem,” Conaway said. “We have come to know and love the staff of Inman and this day is always one of the highlights of our summer.”

One teacher commented, “I am overwhelmed with all the supplies.  I just wanted to share with you how thankful I am to the Heritage church family for sharing their spiritual gifts with me.”

 Another said, “We all were blessed by the wonderful lunch event hosted by Heritage Christian. Thank you for the donations and school supplies.”  

Conaway said, “This is just one way we at Heritage support and serve our community.”

Besides the relationship with Inman Elementary, Heritage supports and serves the After School Enrichment Program and the Reader Leader program of AV Pride.

In addition, Heritage also hosted The Hawaiian Run Thingy, a well-attended 5K fundraiser for AV Pride this past April.

 Conaway added, “Dedication to building relationships and making an impact in our community is our desire as we love people, live like Christ and launch our people for ministry.”

Heritage Christian is located in south Fayetteville, at the corner of Redwine Road and Peachtree Parkway.

For more information, visit www.heritagechristian.org or the church’s Facebook page.

Shown at this year’s annual faculty luncheon, Mike Conaway, Heritage’s pastor of discipleship and community engagement, and Leslie Fear, Inman Elementary’s  school counselor. Photo/Special.