Rhoden named top musician by Brevard faculty


Just making the audition cut for admission to the esteemed Brevard Music Center’s summer program is a feat unto itself, but then having the center’s world-renowned faculty vote him as the 2015 “Outstanding High School Musician” is an honor that Errol Rhoden will cherish for a lifetime.
Rhoden, who plays tuba at Fayette County High, was one of approximately 180 students accepted into the Brevard Music Center’s annual high school program for students aged 14-18. Competition is tight for the limited spots. Students must submit an audition tape showcasing their skills; the center draws students from across the nation.

As the “Outstanding High School Musician” for 2015, Errol received a full scholarship to attend next summer’s program, valued at over $6,300. The scholarship guarantees admission, omitting the required audition.

Brevard Music Center, located on a 180-acre campus in western North Carolina, is nationally known for its premier summer classical music-training program and festivals. Under the artistic direction of acclaimed conductor Keith Lockhart, Music Director of the Boston Pops and BBC Orchestra in London, more than 400 gifted students — ages 14 through post-college — come to the center every summer to study with distinguished faculty and renowned guest artists.  

For seven weeks, students participate in a rigorous program of instruction and performance including orchestral ensembles, private lessons, chamber music, and opera. The students and faculty work together to present over 80 concerts, encompassing multiple music genres, to more than 30,000 fans from across the country.