Two more months of lake dredging still ahead for PTC


Dredging work on Lake Peachtree has come a long way but it could be nearly two months before all the work is completed.

Based upon the revised project schedule Massana is estimating they need another 42 days to build the roadbed, excavate the dirt and remove the roadbed to the Pinecrest Boat Ramp, Fayette County Administrator Steve Rapson said last week.

“Our consultant is currently reviewing the project schedule to see if we can do any better but based upon our discussion,” Rapson said in a letter to county commissioners. “I wanted to provide you a heads up that the project end date for the Lake Peachtree Project is October 19th (inside the lake) and October 25th (project closed). Of course rain may negatively impact the project schedule further still.”

Rapson said the county has been in the process of finalizing a change order for cost over-runs associated with the 48 days of rain and additional rock required for roadbed construction.

“This change order request includes the additional dredging at the Pinecrest Boat Ramp which saves the city an estimated $28,000,” said Rapson. “The county is also committed to providing $10,000 towards the restocking of the lake with sterile grass carp as recommended by the Georgia Department of Natural Resource-Wildlife Resources Division.”

The county project involves removing 64,000 cubic yards of soil and debris from the lake.