Sowell wrong about Pope


Referring to Thomas Sowell’s column published in the The Citizen Sept. 23, 2015, he states that Pope Francis “blames poverty on what people are doing or not doing for ‘the poor.’“

Blame? Please, Pope Francis calls us to work for social justice as an act of love and responsibility. His message is taken from Jesus Christ’s own words, as expressed by the Gospel of Matthew 25: 35-37. The scriptural passage indicates that we are to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless and visit the sick and imprisoned.

In his own words and by example, Pope Francis identifies with the call of Jesus. To associate this with the social or moral principles of the Enlightenment is an erroneous and biased interpretation.

Pope Francis is neither right or left wing. He is not political, but one who teaches us how to judge and love for the common good.

Robert Clark
Fayetteville, Ga.