Here’s how to help Southern Conservation Trust

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Here’s how to help Southern Conservation Trust

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As we begin the New Year, it is a great opportunity to discover ways to contribute to the quality of life in our communities. Southern Conservation Trust (SCT) has many ways for residents, businesses and nonprofits to partner with us as we conserve our land and natural resources, promote healthy outdoor recreation and provide environmental education for our community. As a nonprofit, community support and volunteer efforts are what make our nature areas special as well as our community’s quality of life unique.

Specifically, there are many ways to work with SCT:

1. Volunteer on one of our boards or committees. We have an advisory board in addition to our regular board and several committees that would benefit from your involvement. Our Farm to Table Committee is already hard at work on our June 23 event. And, within the near future, we will be convening a new steering committee to help oversee the implementation of the new 7.5-mile Whitewater Creek Water Trail that will begin at The Ridge Nature Area in Fayetteville and end at Starr’s Mill Pond on the south end of Fayette County.

2. Get your hands dirty. Do you like using hand or power tools? How about digging in the dirt? Consider signing on for a trail maintenance day, jump in a kayak and help clear the water trail, or work on one of our meadow and native plant restoration efforts.

3. No time for committee or on-the-ground work? Please donate. SCT needs to expand its staff to realize our vision and participate in growing opportunities which impact our communities. SCT achieved national accreditation in 2015. This achievement is an example of SCT’s dedication to implementing projects in a fiscally responsible and transparent way.

4. No extra money after the holidays? When you surf the net or buy online, please consider doing so through the following ways which directly make a contribution to SCT: use Good Search as your search engine and purchase through Good Shop or Amazon Smile.

5. Do you work with an organization that can support conservation, environmental education and public access initiatives of Southern Conservation Trust? Matching donations, grants, stewardship gifts and employee campaigns are all ways to become engaged in the sustainable initiatives and projects of SCT.

Southern Conservation Trust is a non-profit organization that enhances the quality of life in our Metro Atlanta Southern Crescent communities. An Accredited Land Trust, SCT promotes sustainable outdoor recreation practices in the management of five local public nature areas and preserves; Line Creek and Flat Creek in Peachtree City, Sams Lake Sanctuary in Fayetteville, Nesmith Preserve and Environmental Classroom/Boardwalk at Starr’s Mill High School and south Fayette’s Morgan Grove.

In partnership with the City of Fayetteville, SCT is developing its sixth public park in the heart of Fayette County. SCT partners with landowners who want to protect their property from development, protect watersheds and the quality and supply of our water or encourage outdoor exercise and enjoyment of nature. SCT works with partners, businesses, developers and the community to balance growth and conservation and look for green infrastructure opportunities.

SCT currently conserves more than 2,200 acres with more than 30,000 annual visitors to its free public use nature areas/parks. SCT works diligently to develop public awareness of appropriate outdoor practices including the principles of Leave No Trace and Tread Lightly.

For more information, to volunteer, to make contributions or find information on land conservation or park locations visit our website at or send a request to Pam Young at [email protected] .

On behalf of the board members of Southern Conservation Trust, thanks to all of you who support our work and mission to make our community a thriving, sustainable community with natural assets we all may enjoy.

Best wishes for the New Year.

Tami Morris, board chair
Southern Conservation Trust
Peachtree City, Ga.

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