Local 4-H competes at district


Thirty Fayette County 4-Hers competed Feb. 6 at District Project Achievement for grades 5-6 in Douglasville. They all worked long and hard to prepare for the competition, which is based on a presentation of an illustrated demonstration.

4-Hers select a topic of interest, research information, write a speech, and prepare posters and other visuals to illustrate their speech. They are then judged against other 4-Hers in the same category. Fourteen surrounding counties competed at Project Achievement with a total of 425 4-Hers.  

Participants included:

Goodness Adeleye (Clothing and Textiles).

Joey Beaulieu (Science of Engineering & Mechanics).

Bohdin Bright (Science of Engineering & Mechanics).

Immanuel Brooks (Agricultural Awareness).

Kennedy Bynoe (Health).

Hannah Coleman (Horse).

Samara Cornelius (Interior Design).

Analisa Davis (International).

Mary Doyle (Workforce Preparation & Career Development).

Salih El-Gayyar (Outdoor Recreation).

Kareem El-Gayyar (Target Sports).

Folashade Famakinwa (General Science).

Emily Hausman (Clothing & Textiles).

Mayli Herman (Arts).

Sarah Macke (Health).

Jared Newson (Time & Money Management).

Vince Phan (Herpetology).

Elijah Preuer (History).

Samantha Roberts (Human Development).

Wesley Roberts (Science of Engineering & Mechanics).

Mateo Roca (Wildlife).

Athena Salcedo (General Recreation).

Nathan Smith (General Science).

Skylar Smith (Food Safety & Preservation).

Andrea Toro (Workforce Preparation & Career Development).

Augie Valli (Sports).

Emily Wagner (Veterinary Science).

Janae’ Walker (Performing Arts-General).

Megan Wellons (Food Safety & Preservation).

Abigail Wright (General Recreation).

First-place winners were Bohdin Bright, Immanuel Brooks, Hannah Coleman, Samara Cornelius, Nathan Smith, Skylar Smith and Emily Wagner.

Second-place winners were Kennedy Bynoe, Emily Hausman, and Jared Newson.

Third-place winners were Goodness Adeleye, Salih El-Gayyar, Kareem El-Gayyar and Sarah Macke.

High school 4-Hers Abby Beaulieu, Katie Mize, Aaron Newson, and Jacob Seckinger attended as teen leaders.  Sara Kahley and April McDaniel attended as Fayette County extension staff members, with special thanks to Martha Kahley, Jane Langford, Jeff Mellin, and Kedre Roca for attending as 4-H volunteers.

For more information, contact the Fayette County Cooperative Extension office at 770-305-5412×7 or visit www.ugaextension.com/fayette/4h.