I am announcing my candidacy for re-election to our Fayette County Board of Commissioners. Four years ago, I promised to “serve, not to be served.” I promised to abide by the Golden Rule. I promised to listen and weigh the best solutions for the community.
Four years ago I asked for your vote, and I was privileged and humbled to be elected. Today, I respectfully seek your support once again to continue the course I promised four years ago.
What do you and I expect of our leaders? We expect them to do what is best for the community. We expect them to be fair, mindful of the facts, and just in their decisions. I expect no less of myself.
We expect our elected leaders to bring with them the courage necessary to make difficult decisions and the integrity to do what is right, though it may not always be popular. I have not shirked from that responsibility.
We expect our elected leaders to conduct themselves professionally and respectfully at all times.
We expect our elected leaders to work with others to build bridges and encourage relationships that benefit all citizens.
Since taking office I have aspired to each of these expectations.
During my tenure, I have been proud to be part of a team that has accomplished much. To name a few: Three consecutive balanced budgets, two AAA bond ratings, significant operational improvements to the Fayette County Water System, stabilization of the retirement and health plans, $1.7 million rollback of property taxes to our residents.
This past year as chairman of the Board of Commissioners, we have seen improved relations with our sister cities evidenced by agreements with Code Enforcement, Permits and Inspections, and Lake Peachtree.
Going forward it is critical that Fayette County maintain its strong financial position, balanced against needs such as infrastructure revitalization and transportation improvements. We must become partners with our sister cities, keeping an eye on what is good for all our citizens, and we must work together towards those goals as the community of Fayette, not individual entities.
Henry Ford said, “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Teamwork will accomplish much, and I am proud to be part of this Fayette County team. With your support, I will continue as a member of the Fayette County Board of Commissioners and work to keep Fayette County the gem that it is.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Please join me in my re-election efforts, and on May 24 vote for me, Charles W. Oddo, candidate for Fayette County Commissioner.
Charles W. Oddo, chairman
Fayette County Board of Commissioners
Fayetteville, Ga.