The Starr’s Mill High School Pantherette Dance Camp is scheduled for June 6-9, 9 a.m.-noon each day, at the school.
It is open to students entering kindergarten through eighth grade this fall.
There will be daily crafts, games, treats and a lot of dance. All dancers get a T-shirt and a special performance will be held on the last day for parents.
Participants also get invited to youth night at SMHS in the fall. (The middle school group will spend more time on dance team technique, less time on crafts and games.)
Cost is $100. Register by June 2 at Fayette Community School, 205 Lafayette Ave. in Fayetteville, or phone 770-460-3990 ext. 470.
Walk-ups are welcome on the day of camp if space is available.
For more information, contact [email protected].