Charleston hurricane refugee gives birth to baby girl in Fayette


There was more to fleeing Hurricane Matthew for Charleston, S.C., resident Anne Funderburk than getting out of the path of the storm. Anne arrived at the home of relatives in Peachtree City and quickly gave birth to Ashlyn Rae. Photo/Submitted.

Anne and Adam Funderburk, their 2-year-old son Max and their two cats left Charleston Wednesday after South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley ordered the city’s evacuation. They later arrived at the home of relatives Chris and Jim Ward in Peachtree City, said Anne’s father Peter Gores.
Gores said the couple had considered coming to his home in New York, but decided to make the trek to Peachtree City instead.
“Jim told them to come to Peachtree City,” said Gores with a chuckle, noting that he was coming for the birth, whether in Charleston or Peachtree City. Anne was due on Friday, he said.
It did not take long after their arrival for one of nature’s miracles to happen.
Gores said it was about 4 a.m. the next day that Anne said, “I think I should go to the hospital.”
Sure enough, 8-pound, 15-ounce Ashlyn Rae was born later that day at Piedmont Fayette Hospital.
“Mom and the baby are fine. The neighbors are so helpful and the hospital was overwhelmingly great. The hospitality here is fantastic and we appreciate everybody. We couldn’t have picked a better place to go,” Gores said.
“And we’re enjoying driving a golf cart,” he added.