Info meeting set for foster ministry


An informational meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 15, at 10 a.m. at Crossroads Church, 3260 Hwy. 16 East in Sharpsburg, regarding a new initiative to help foster children in the area.

Promise 686 takes its name from Psalm 68:6, which states, “God sets the lonely in families.”

Georgia now has more than 13,000 children in foster care and while there are not enough foster homes, the state is also struggling to retain the homes it currently has, according to a Promise 686 spokesperson.

The organization is promoting church care groups to support foster families. So far five local churches are on board: New Hope, Southside, Dogwood, Crossroads and South Metro Ministries.

All churches in DHS Region 4 (Butts, Carroll, Coweta, Fayette, Heard, Henry, Lamar, Meriwether, Pike, Spalding, Troup, and Upson) are invited to attend the meeting.

For more information, visit

Pictured above, from left: Betsy Imes, Coweta CASA volunteer and Promise 686 advocate for Crossroads; Libby McCleery, foster family supporter and Promise 686 advocate for Southside; Larry Andrews, Coweta CASA volunteer and Promise 686 advocate for Dogwood; and Holly Grisamore, Fayette foster parent and Promise 686 advocate for New Hope.

Not pictured: Tonya Graham, future foster parent and Promise 686 advocate for South Metro Ministries.