South Gate Ministry Training Center announces its inaugural inductive Bible study, The Book of Acts. The Institute aims to promote and engender a biblical worldview among Christians everywhere, to equip, present and future, to correctly and effectively handle the Word of God, and to provide a scriptural foundation for understanding God’s will for his people through intensive inductive Bible studies.
The BIBS (Basic Inductive Bible Study) curriculum was originally developed by Dr. LeRoy F. Curtis for the Kenya Ministry Training Institute. The goal was to train Kenyan pastors who were without the money and/or time to seek traditional training in a Biblical worldview.
That institute has prospered and now has satellite schools throughout Kenya and neighboring African nations.
Inductive Bible study differs from systematic theology which posits Christian doctrine, and then brings various Scriptures to bear in support of that doctrine. Inductive studies use the Bible as the only text, encouraging participants through personal study and meditation as well as group discussion, to interact directly with the Scriptures to discover “what does it say, what does it mean, and what must I do?”
The classes have proved beneficial both to those new to bible study and to veterans of the Word who want a more comprehensive understanding of the “whole counsel of God.”
Aaron Evans, author and prophetic leader, has recommended the Institute, commenting, “If you want to move in the supernatural power of the Lord, a grounding in Scripture is essential.”
The initial class will be led by Curtis, who will be assisted by Mark Baldwin, former pastor of Peachtree Christian Fellowship. Curtis is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and Asbury Theological Seminary. He was mentored in his doctoral studies by Dr. Dow Robinson, Wycliffe Bible translator to the Aztec Indians in Mexico. Baldwin is a graduate of Georgia Southwestern University, and did graduate studies at Melodyland School of Theology under Dr. Rodman Williams who was dean of theology at Regent University until his recent passing.
The class will meet on Thursday evenings at Tea Fusions in The Avenue, Peachtree City, from 7-9 p.m. for 10 weeks beginning Sept. 16. While any widely accepted Bible translation can be used, the study questions are drawn from the NIV (New International Version), so that is the preferred choice.
There will be a minimal charge of $15 to cover the cost of the copyrighted materials.
(Despite the copyright, Curtis has given his permission for the materials to be re-used by those in the class who wish to teach others.)
For more information or to register for the class, email [email protected].