Word of Life Free Methodist will offer special six-week “Fearless” lecture series


Word of Life Free Methodist Church in Fayetteville will present a lecture series each Sunday entitled “Fearless” beginning this Sunday Sept. 19 at 10 a.m.

The six week series investigates the fear Americans are living in every day from terrorists, swine flu, layoffs, and foreclosures.

The Rev. Greg Nitchman will lead participants through a biblical study teaching how you should and could live fearlessly, utilizing Max Lucado’s book, “Fearless” as a guide.

Nitchman has encountered many experiences of bold living having been an infantryman in the U.S. Marines and a volunteer firefighter.

“When real life and death stuff is right up in your face,” said Nitchman, “you have to learn to manage your fears.”

Other fears were also realized by Nitchman and his wife Jeanne as they managed the Free Methodists Hurricane Katrina Recovery effort for four years on the Mississippi Gulf Coast as well as the Hands of Hope project restoring homes destroyed by the 2009 Atlanta floods.

After years of trying to manage his fears on his own, Nitchman says he turned to God and discovered that the biblical promises of Psalm 23, Proverbs 3:5-6 and Romans 8:28 are true.

“God will lead you to peace and straight paths if you let Him, and if bad things come He makes good of them. Holding on to these promises is how I finally learned to live fearlessly,” said Nitchman.

Word of Life is in the Fayette Place Shopping Center (405 Fayette Place) on N. Glynn (Ga. Highway 85) in Fayetteville.