Inauguration Weekend: 2 protests, 1 covered, 1 ignored


This past week hundreds of thousands marched with pretty much two opposing viewpoints concerning life, women and family.

The pro-life group’s message was relatively simple and easy to understand. They promote the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. How we care for one and other, once we are born into the world, is their mantra, period.

The pro-life group marched, prayed and sang spiritual songs. Their numbers were about equal to the protesting women, but because of “Fake News” you will never know it.

Protesters occupied the streets of most Democrat cities, sanctuary cities and other bastions of liberalism: New York City, D.C., Boston, Chicago, California, south Florida. Protesters made a lot of noise by optimizing population densities.

One woman protest leader said of the pro-lifers, “we don’t want those kind of women.”

Pro-lifers concentrated their numbers mostly in cities between West and East coast and prayed in churches. Pretty much a mirror image of the electorate in those states. Pro-life leader Dr. Alveda King (MLK’s niece) called her FOX News media “Real News” with the most accurate coverage of Inaugural weekend events.

On the other hand, Madonna, representing the protesting groups, read from a script, “I have thought a lot about blowing up the White House.” Could you imagine the penalty for a Trump supporter saying the same? Is this the same “freedom of speech” as yelling “gun” or “fire” in a crowded movie theater? Madonna gets a pass.

The protesting group’s message is elusive. They don’t seem to have any organized statement. Their reasons are inferred as more symbolism than substance. I have tried to find out why this group is marching. I usually hear “women’s rights,” “equal rights, “not my president,” or “Trump would bring us back to the 1930s when America turned its back on German Jews.” “Trump will set back women’s rights 300 years.”

Does this mean that women will become chattel? Or revert to the Muslim world’s treatment of women, where women are not able to go to school or vote? Cannot press charges when violated? Cannot leave the home without a family member?

Will women get buried up to their necks in dirt and stoned to death for adultery? Thrown off a building for being lesbian? Cannot get employment outside the home without permission? No equal pay for women? Cannot drive a car? Cannot make a fashion statement? Cannot have freedom of speech or religion? Cannot get a divorce?

Perhaps next year’s Women’s March should be moved to Saudi Arabia or Iran, since our State Department has established such close relationships there.

There is no mention that Trump has hired more women and minorities with equal or better pay than Obama or Clinton. That a 50-year-old accomplished Kellyanne Conway helped Trump win the White House.

But why confuse the Common-Core-educated liberals with the facts?

Michael Velsmid
Peachtree City, Ga.