FPC mission dinner features mystery play


Stars of the show (L-R) were John Dodds as Lead Investigator James “Two Gun” Hart, Jacob Winslett as Jake the Henchman, Ed McKeogh as Mayor William Dunhill, Rebecca McKeogh as Mamie the saloon owner, Jennifer Moses as Roxie, the PA to “The Boss,” Susan Holcombe as Lily Lu the Chinese Businesswoman, and Chris Gandy as Chief of Police Wally Wilson. Photo/Special.


Members and friends of Fayette Presbyterian Church filled the seats at their annual Mission Dinner. This year’s theme was a murder mystery set in the roaring ‘20s at Mamie’s Saloon in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan — aka “Little Chicago.” Attendees interviewed the six suspects, gleaning clues and piecing together the crime during a hot Italian dinner. A fun time was had by all and the church was able to raise over $7,800 towards Nicaragua Missions, which has a focus on providing clean water to villages around Leon, Nicaragua with well repair and water filters.