FFUMC offers modern service Sundays at 5 p.m.


A recent Food and Fellowship: A Modern Worship Gathering at Fayetteville First UMC featured music by Mary Katherine Keaton. Photo/Special.

The community is invited to get to know friends better, meet new people and worship in an informal setting at Fayetteville First United Methodist Church in the new Food and Fellowship: A Modern Worship Gathering. The next event is Sunday, May 21,  from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall which faces Jack Dettmering Way.

Worship leader Carson Thaxton says, “We want to facilitate opportunities for connection and conversation and an evening dinner has been a wonderful setting for gathering together.” A potluck-style meal is shared, and participants are invited to bring something if possible, but it isn’t necessary.

After the meal, the group will share a time of worship together. A nursery is provided for children three years and under, and older children will have their own activities.

This summer, Food and Fellowship: A Modern Worship Gathering events will be held Sundays June 11, July 23 and Aug. 27.

Everyone in the community is invited to participate, and no reservations are necessary.

Fayetteville First United Methodist Church is located at 175 East Lanier Ave.,  next to the historic courthouse in downtown Fayetteville. For questions, call the church office, 770-461-4313.