Fake news and false views: Look leftward also


This letter is in response to Timothy J. Parker’s article in last Wednesday’s paper. He claims that conservative beliefs are built on falsehoods. As a conservative and an evangelical, I have to say that there are many liberal views that are built on fake news and lies.

Timothy states that charges have never been substantiated in any way. The truth is the Clinton Foundation promised to build hurricane proof houses but in actuality nothing was built. The Clintons funneled $10 million to InnoVida, headed by Claudio Osorio, to build trailers in Haiti.

InnoVida ended up not building any houses and an investigation revealed that Osorio diverted company funds to pay for his mansion in Miami, his Maserati, and other luxuries. He pleaded guilty in 2013 to wire fraud and money laundering and is serving 12 years in prison. Let’s not forget the reports of Chelsea Clinton using Clinton Foundation funds to pay for her lavish wedding, but I won’t even go there.

There is a war on truth. Liberals are devoted to suppressing opposition, denying basic facts, and avoiding truth. This is what is happening in college campuses all over America. “Trigger warnings” are to be provided because these delicate leftist students might get their feelings hurt. I like what a certain radio host says, “Truth doesn’t care about your feelings.”

If this past election has revealed anything to us, it is that this country is extremely divided and not willing to come to the table and discuss issues in a civil way. Instead there are protests, mobs, riots, and unrest. Where do we go from here?

Conservative, Liberal, Democrat, Republican, Left, Right … so many labels. What happened to simply … American? But even American is becoming an offensive word for some.

Kenneth Ocasio
Peachtree City, Ga.