Fayette property values show double-digit growth over 2016


Tax digest figures for 2017 are in, showing that property values in Fayette County increased 12 percent over last year. All municipalities in Fayette showed double-digit increases in property values.

The county as a whole showed an increase in overall taxable property values of 12 percent over 2016, which was indicative of rising values in the municipalities and the unincorporated areas.

Figures for 2017 showed Fayette property countywide valued at approximately $5.6 billion, up from approximately $5.03 billion in 2016 and approximately $4.76 billion in 2015.

The largest percentage increase in Fayette’s municipalities for 2017 came in Brooks, where property values increased approximately 15 percent over last year, for a total value of approximately $28 million. Brooks in 2016 had taxable property values at approximately $23.96 million while figures for 2015 showed approximately $22.45 million, an increase of 6.8 percent.

Fayetteville for 2017 saw a 12 percent increase over last year, with properties in the city valued at approximately $885 million. Fayetteville in 2016 showed a digest totaling approximately $770.5 million compared to the 2015 total of approximately $732 million, a 5.2 percent increase.

Peachtree City also experienced a 12 percent jump in property values. Property in Peachtree City for 2017 is valued at approximately $2.2 billion. Figures for 2016 showed the city digest at approximately $1.939 billion compared to 2015 figures of approximately $1.841 billion.

Tyrone for 2017 also saw a double-digit increase in values at 11 percent over last year. Property values in Tyrone for this year total approximately $403 million. Tyrone property in 2016 showed a 3 percent increase over 2015, with property valued at approximately $355.7 million compared to approximately $345.4 million in 2015.

The unincorporated areas saw a 10 percent increase over 2016, with an accompanying value tallied at approximately $2.1 billion. Values for 2016 totaled approximately $1.92 billion, a 7 percent increase over the 2015 figures which totaled approximately $1.793 billion.