PTC police to enforce no parking rules on private property


To deal with some McIntosh students parking their golf carts illegally on private property, the Peachtree City Council has added a new ordinance to its arsenal.

Now, Peachtree City police will be able to issue citations to golf carts and other vehicles that are illegally parked on private property. Police Chief H.C. “Skip” Clark told the City Council Thursday night that the department would focus on educating students the next few weeks with warnings, but after a period of time citations will start to be issued.

At the beginning of this school year, the City Council created its first-ever no parking zone along a cart path to alleviate problems that occurred when students parked off a path near McIntosh. So more students began parking their golf carts along Prime Point, where parking is allowed, but some also began parking on grassy and landscaped areas owned and maintained by businesses in the area, Clark said.

Without the new ordinance, police were powerless to take any action on golf carts that were parked on private property, leaving the property owner with few options beyond paying to have the vehicle towed, Clark said.

When a citation is issued under the new ordinance, either the cart driver or the cart owner will be cited, Clark said.

Clark noted that the school has maximized the number of spaces to be made available this year, but still there are far more golf carts than spaces available on campus.

The police department will work with the school to announce the change and a grace period will immediately commence for likely a couple of weeks, Clark said.

The new ordinance was adopted unanimously by council.