A special guest at Storytime


Every Tuesday morning at 10:15 a.m. children between 3 and 5 years of age are brought to the Peachtree City Library by a parent or grandparent to participate in Storytime.  This past week special guests were present.  Members of the Kiwanis Club of Peachtree City were there along with their mascot, Flapjack The Raccoon.  In anticipation of the 19th Annual Kiwanis Pancake Saturday on Jan. 29 club members read stories about pancakes such as “Curious George Makes Pancakes” and “If You Give A Pig A Pancake.” Flapjack was a big hit with the kids. Each of the children received a free ticket to the breakfast. The Kiwanis Club also made a $500 donation to the PTC Library to purchase new children’s books. Pictured with the kids and Flapjack is Janice Dukes, Youth Services Librarian. Photo/Special.