LGBT students have rights in local schools

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LGBT students have rights in local schools

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Though individuals of faith may oppose PFLAG’s advocacy for LGBT acceptance in schools, these policies not only support the wellbeing of LGBT students but also ensure that all students, LGBT or not, learn to function in America’s increasingly diverse society, whether one agrees with diversity or not.

America’s founding principles of democracy and representation factor in both the desires of the majority and the rights of the minority while preserving the autonomy of individual citizens. And although federal and state governments expand their powers over time, the people retain control over their local governments.

In a predominantly Christian, conservative area such as Fayette County, the dystopian PFLAG thought police Mr. Hoffman envisions is unlikely to ever exist, even as schools adopt more accepting policies regarding LGBT issues.

The hypothetical scenario Mr. Hoffman creates of a slip in pronouns misrepresents the goals of tolerance; these policies aim not to flip the current faith-dominated view of gender and sexuality, but to accommodate all views by offering evidence-based education on these issues so children may conclude their own opinions on the matter.

Furthermore, consider the role of public schools: these government-funded institutions serve to educate our children not only academically but also socially in order to create a well-adjusted workforce.

In an evolving society where, like it or not, new interpretations of identity emerge rapidly, why ignore these realities in favor of tradition that leaves kids ignorant of these trends and how to navigate them?

The government holds a vested interest in equipping children to effectively communicate and work with individuals from different backgrounds. It follows that government-funded schools operate in accordance with this goal by implementing policies that include LGBT issues.

Accepting that schools exist to equip our children to assimilate into society and the workforce, and realizing that schools currently ignore LGBT issues, where does that leave LGBT students?

Intolerance results in significantly higher rates of depression and suicidal ideation in LGBT students. Mr. Hoffman and others like him concern themselves with the hypothetical harm that tolerant policies may cause to heterosexual kids who learn about LGBT issues but ignore the real harm current policies inflict on LGBT kids and teens.

The integration of tolerant, realistic education that offers LGBT kids the acknowledgement and support that heterosexual kids have always experienced benefits both groups by educating all students on how to work with and understand those different from them while extending support to students who struggle with bullying on account of their identities.

And, of course, integrating fact-based education with regards to sexuality counteracts the indoctrination that churches and other faiths impose on their LGBT youth. Let’s not ignore the hypocrisy in causing outrage about “forcing” kids into homosexuality (a false accusation) while many churches and religious groups support conversion therapy and bigotry against LGBT people.

Individuals define their own morality and exercise it as they see fit. PFLAG and similar groups understand this right and advocate not to “redefine morality” according to their ideals, but to present facts instead of the curriculum currently dominated by Christian values.

Depicting an effort to present children with a factual education as “subjective” propaganda while encouraging public schools to endorse your religious values speaks to a personal bias that contradicts your own argument against subjectivity in schools.

Maybe conservative Christians make up the majority of the South, but let’s not forget that our constitution protects the rights of everyone, not just the majority.

Groups such as PFLAG serve a vital role in our society by reminding us that the disadvantaged deserve acceptance too, even when certain groups oppose their rights.

Legislating morality based on religion (or any other belief) forces individuals to conform to ideals they don’t support, a fate identical to Mr. Hoffman’s imaginary dystopia where PFLAG forces kids into liberalism.

Pushes for LGBT acceptance stop at just that — acceptance, and policies that infringe on others’ rights will never be voted into policy.

LGBT individuals lived for so long under the rule of conservatives who silenced, oppressed, and ignored them; why would they wish that on anyone else?

Parents can always send their kids to private school or preach their own faith at home; keep bias out of public schools. PFLAG advocates for evidence-based education and inclusion for LGBT children in schools — not a totalitarian enforcement of liberal morality, and any claim otherwise serves only to veil bigotry and stir outrage in an already divided society.

Abigail Knox
Peachtree City, Ga.

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