Expansion approved for PTC’s Southside Church


With confusion over a tree save buffer cleared up, the Peachtree City Planning Commission Monday approved a plan to expand a building at Southside Church at the intersection of Robinson Road and Ebenezer Road.

The confusion resulted from a 1992 site plan approval for the property when it was owned by Braelinn Baptist Church. The actual plan map showed a 100 foot tree save area, part of which Southside Church had planned to build in.

But after City Attorney Ted Meeker reviewed the matter, it was determined that the 100 foot tree save was unenforceable because it was not listed as a condition of approval for the 1992 site plan carried forward by Braelinn Baptist.

The Southside expansion, which will nearly double the capacity for each of its worship services, will extend some 32 feet from the existing building, but that will leave it 68 feet from the edge of right of way from Robinson Road.

That means the church will be in compliance with all regulations for the site, including the 40-foot setback as required by city ordinance and a 50-foot undisturbed buffer that was part of the conditions for the site.

The church has been working with neighbors of three adjacent subdivisions to address certain concerns, which will be key going forward as the church prepares its master plan for the site.

One nearby resident, Bill Posey of Creekside Way, said he felt it was very difficult to keep abreast of the matter. Posey said when the parking lot is expanded in the future the city should make the church build “a proper detention pond” for the site.

Posey also questioned the need for a landscaping plan, and officials informed him that one would be required as part of this expansion and any future expansion.

Resident Mary Giles said one of her main concerns was where the overflow parking would be, as she recently visited the church during one service and nearly every parking spot was full.

The commission unanimously approved the site plan with several conditions, including one that the 50-foot undisturbed buffer will be augmented with evergreen plant material no less than 5-6 feet tall to screen the expansion from Robinson Road.

The church will also be required to submit the architectural elevations for review and approval from the commission, along with a site lighting plan.