Old-fashioned southern gospel sings continue at Grantville First Baptist


The old-fashioned gospel singings, formerly held at the Old Train Depot in Grantville, are now being held at the First Baptist Church in Grantville. Singings are hosted each forth Friday and Saturday night and are free.

The next singings will be on Friday, March 25 at 7 p.m. and will feature Voices of Grace from Columbus, Tonya Bean of Columbus, and One Accord, also from Columbus.

Saturday’s singing, March 26, will be at 7 p.m. and will feature The Paul Family from Buchanan, Through the Fire from Montgomery, Ala., and DeWayne Cook from Grantville.

For more information, call “Uncle” Dan Burdett, 770-583-2260 or Roy Smith, 770-583-3977, or email [email protected].