Landscaping to ‘soften’ 74S sound walls

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Landscaping to ‘soften’ 74S sound walls

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A $50,000 grant is in the works to add landscaping for Ga. Highway 74 South in Peachtree City.

The big news is that the grant will “soften” one of the most harsh features of the newly-widened highway: the sound walls on the east side of the road.

Perhaps just as significant is there is no local match required. Which is to say the city doesn’t have to kick in any of its own money toward the project.

Community Development Director David Rast said he is curious to see how much the city can accomplish with the grant, which is being bestowed by the Georgia Department of Transportation.

While the city will not have to kick in any funds to receive the grant money, it will have to commit to mowing and maintaining the areas in perpetuity. To opponents of the rather urban concrete walls, that might seem like a pretty small price to pay.

The city will put the project out to bid and the landscape contractor will have to maintain the landscaping for at least two years from the date the project is accepted by the city.

The grant is part of DOT’s GATEway landscaping grant program.

The agreement for the city to maintain the landscaping will be presented to the City Council at a future date.

Council last week unanimously approved the memorandum of agreement to start the process.

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