Accused doubled murderer Johnny T. Edwards, IV, has changed his mind about not wanting legal representation for the alleged murders of his mother and wife on Dec. 7. Edwards will now have a public defender to represent him.
District Attorney Ben Coker on Jan. 14 said Edwards had reconsidered his previous stand before Superior Court Judge Christopher Edwards where he declined legal representation. Edwards has now retained the services of a public defender.
The case is expected to go before the Fayette County Grand Jury in February.
Edwards on Dec. 19 was denied bond for the alleged murders of his mother, Dr. Kathy Edwards, and his pregnant wife, Venus Quanteh, at Dr. Edwards home on Dec. 7.
The deaths of the two women were the result of injuries sustained by a knife and a baseball bat, District Attorney Ben Coker told the court.
Though he offered limited responses to questions at the Dec. 19 bond hearing,
Edwards on more than one occasion during the hearing took issue with the proceedings. When he did speak, he uttered statements such as:
“Once again, I would like to state for the record, on the record, and let the record show that I am here under the treaty of peace and friendship, Sept. 6, 1836,” Johnny Edwards said. “I am not Johnny T. Edwards (he had stated earlier in the hearing that his name was (Sidi Muhammad ibn Abdallah). I am was born an American National. I once again, the United States relinquished jurisdiction here in Morocco October 6th, 1956. Meaning that this tribunal lacks persona jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction, and territorial jurisdiction to adjudicate anything regarding this matter.”
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