Fayette Commission majority as arrogant as in Miami-Dade recall

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Fayette Commission majority as arrogant as in Miami-Dade recall

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As a Miami-Dade County attorney for 30 years I had an up-close look at the inner workings of the Dade County Commission. It is no wonder that many considered those workings to be similar to those engaged in by Third World countries.

I didn’t believe that it was possible that annother county commission could be so arrogant and out of touch with the wishes of the electorate. I was wrong.

I attended the Fayette County Commission meeting on Thursday evening and I was appalled by the attitude and abuse of power displayed by commissioners Frady, Hearn and Horgan. It is clear that these three commissioners have no interest in listening to and addressing the concerns of the majority of Fayette County residents.

Miami-Dade County finally had enough of such arrogance and recently engineered the largest local recall in our country’s history as the mayor and a long-serving commissioner were successfully ousted.

One can debate whether Fayette County voters should consider their own costly recall effort or simply hold their collective noses and wait until 2012 to vote out these three commissioners who are either blind to the wishes of their constituents or unwilling to adhere to them.

However, there is one issue that is clearly not open for debate. Not one of these three commissioners is worthy to hold his position as an elected official charged with making decisions in the best interest of Fayette County.

Scott Fabricius, Esq.

Fayetteville, Ga.

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