Fayette County school students did themselves proud during the 2010-2011 school year, besting their scores compared to the previous year on the end-of-course tests administered during the spring. Those scores also significantly surpassed the state average. Fayette also had all its schools make AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) for the eighth consecutive year.
“Overall, Fayette outperformed the state in all subjects tested by 14-30 percentage points,” said school system spokesperson Melinda Berry-Dreisbach of the end-of-course test scores. “The biggest gap between the school system and the state was in Economics/Business/Free Enterprise where Fayette’s mean score was 457 compared to the state’s 427.”
Berry-Dreisbach said the spring administration of the test shows students performing strongest in Economics/Business/Free Enterprise, American Literature and Composition and ninth grade Literature and Composition, with the majority scoring at the “exceeds” performance level.
In comparison to last year, she said, ninth grade Literature and Composition had the largest jump in the “exceeds” level with a gain of 10 percentage points. Percentage point increases in the “exceeds” level is 3 and 5, respectively, for American Literature and Composition and Economics/Business/Free Enterprise.
Other subjects tested include Mathematics I, Mathematics II, U.S. History, and Biology. This marks the second year that Mathematics I and II have been aligned to the Georgia Performance Standards, said Berry-Dreisbach. While the pass rate percentage in Mathematics I remained the same as last year, 89 percent, the “exceeds” percentage increased by 10.
Berry-Dreisbach said the pass rate for Mathematics II went up from last year by two points. Both U.S. History and Biology had increased pass rates and “exceeds” performance level percentages compared to 2010. The pass rate for US History increased one percentage point while the “exceeds” level increased two percentage points. In Biology, the pass rate went up 5 percentage points and the “exceeds” level increased 6 percentage points.
Berry-Dreisbach on Monday said that 100 percent of Fayette County public schools made the federally-required Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for the eight consecutive year.
Fayette is among 24 systems in Georgia with all schools meeting AYP requirements in 2011. Of these systems, most have 10 or less schools compared to Fayette’s 28, Berry-Dreisbach said. AYP is a measure of year-to-year student achievement on statewide assessments.
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