A variance to the rear setback of a home in the Fairfield subdivision was granted by the Peachtree City Council last week, allowing the homeowners to add a deck to the rear of their home.
Council also agreed, in a separate matter, to abandon a portion of an unused easement to allow the homeowners at 108 Nettlecure Court to build a in-ground swimming pool in their backyard.
The variance for the rear deck was at the request of the homeowners at 643 North Fairfield Drive. The home’s backyard abuts a city greenbelt, and adjoining property owners indicated their support for the variance, which allows a 12-foot encroachment into the 20-foot rear building setback.
The city has issued variances to two other property owners on the same street who were in similar situations, allowing them to build rear decks on their homes as well, officials said.
In studying the easement at 108 Nettlecure Court, city officials determined it was not needed for stormwater issues. Also, a nearby sewer line and multi-use path are located on the portion of the easement that is now city-owned greenbelt, according to a memo from city staff.
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