It’s a different start for new teachers in Fayette

New teachers from Sandy Creek High School listen to live streams of welcome messages in classrooms at Flat Rock Middle while practicing distancing and other safety protocols such as wearing face coverings and frequent hand sanitizing.

Teachers new to Fayette County Public Schools got a feel for what the school year will look like in a classroom setting as they took part in new teacher induction activities at Flat Rock Middle School July 21-23.

Nearly 100 teachers were spread throughout 13 classrooms, grouped by school, where desks were distanced and the wearing of face coverings encouraged.

Welcome addresses from Fayette County Board of Education Chairman Scott Hollowell, Fayette County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Joseph Barrow, Fayette County Public Schools Assistant Superintendent of Student Achievement Dr. Julie Turner, and Flat Rock Middle School Principal Jade Bolton were delivered via live steam to the classrooms.

Teachers transitioned to different classrooms throughout the day to attend grade-level curriculum workshops, and to learn about the expectations Fayette County Public Schools has of its teachers. Safety protocols were practiced during transitions that mirrored what will be expected of students such as the wearing of face coverings and limiting the amount of foot traffic in the hallways by staggering groups.

Breakfast and lunch were served as “grab and go” and were consumed in each group’s meeting room. Teachers were encouraged to frequently wash their hands and bottles of hand sanitizer were available in each room.

New teacher induction is held each year for teachers who are new to the school system, whether they are veteran educators or new college graduates starting their first teaching job. New teachers represented 20 schools at all levels, elementary, middle, and high.