Go figure — man, 3 women gang up to shoplift candles from Bath and Body Works

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Go figure — man, 3 women gang up to shoplift candles from Bath and Body Works

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Shoplifting is a crime that is all too common. Less common is when a group of people hit a store simultaneously to steal candles, but that is what happened at a retail store in Peachtree City.

Peachtree City officers on Aug. 22 at approximately 5:42 p.m. responded to Bath and Body Works on City Circle in reference to a shoplifting incident, police reports said.

Upon arriving at the store, officers learned that a male, along with three females, stole a number of candles. The group fled the store, leaving in two vehicles, reports said.

In another incident, a different kind of traffic stop occurred on Aug. 23.

Police reports noted that an officer responded to the area of Ga. Highway 74 South at Holly Grove Road in reference to a driver who was asleep behind the wheel of a vehicle in the middle of the road.

Upon arrival, contact was made with the driver and field sobriety was executed. The driver was deemed to be safe to drive and had someone pick her up from the incident location, according to police reports.

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