Girl Scouts help beautify Peeples

The Girl Scouts of Troop 20554 volunteer at Peeples Elementary, pulling weeds and picking up trash around the school.

The Girl Scouts of Troop 20554 aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty! On a chilly Saturday, the Troup took time out of their weekend to volunteer at Peeples Elementary, pulling weeds and picking up trash around the school.

The girls are all Peeples 2nd graders in their first year of Brownies, and, as part of their Brownie journey, they need to give back to their community. Over the fall, Troop co-leader Chloe Russell was made award of the need for clean-up work on the front area of the school, so it was highlighted as a great ongoing service project for the girls. The Troop has returned to the school multiple times to keep it in tip-top shape, and they will come back again over the spring.

Russell sees it as a perfect opportunity for the girls to give back.

“Our hope is that the Girl Scouts can experience committing to a long-term project, serving their community through volunteer work, and taking pride in improving the appearance of their school.”

— Provided by the Fayette County School System.