

Heaven is a wonderful place

Evangelist Dwight L. Moody told of an acquaintance whose only child had died. The sorrow was so great that his heart was almost broken by it. Before he suffered this


He rose. Really?

We all just had Easter Sunday. It was a glorious day. All our churches were spectacularly decorated and full of worshippers. All our music was exhilarating. People looked great. All

Church, Tyrone

Helping on Service Day

Fourth and fifth graders from Crossroads Christian School (CCS), located in Tyrone, participated in its annual Service Day by packing food boxes, stocking shelves, and organizing produce at City Bridges


He rose again, you know!

I love the triumphant truth of Easter. Easter presents a message of loving sacrifice as Jesus died for us on the cross, but it has a victorious ending. Three days

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