Did you know?

At Fayette Presbyterian: Workshop provides strat...
The valley of the shadow of death
What’s so great about the Peachtree?
Fayette church group travels to Mexico to build ...
What does the Bible say about tattoos?
Your kindness is never wasted


By Justin Kollmeyer June 25, 2019

Who was Jeremiah?
Who was Jeremiah?
The call to practice kindness
Fayette County Amateur Radio Field Day demonstra...
Photography club exhibit is ongoing at Peachtree...
Chalk Art event, DJ music, lots of food, drink a...
Pick blueberries at Real Life Orchard
Knights of Columbus host flag retirement ceremon...
Father Goose comes to Peachtree City Library
The bottom line of total trust
Real Life Center opens doors to new home
Graduates: You could write a book
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