Front Page

Rep. Bazemore says more kids are getting sick wi...
Fayette Covid-19 nursing home update: 1 new resi...
Police return missing 17-year-old unharmed to hi...
Pandemic Fayette school choices: In-person class...
1 new Covid-19 death reported at Southland in Pe...
Are data center, technology firms in Fayette’s f...
Get ready for schools to reopen — Fayette classe...
Gov. Kemp loosens some Covid-19 rules
Peachtree City nursing home hit with Covid-19 ou...
Fayette primary outcome: Commissioner Ognio lose...
Considerations for re-opening Fayette schools: M...
Rising MHS sophomore organizes June 7 protest fo...
Black Lives Matter protest June 6 largest in Fay...
Broder sworn in as circuit’s first female distri...
Peaceful protestors fill Fayetteville courthouse...
Mayor Johnson: Fayetteville ‘a safe and inclusiv...
Fayette expects no hike in tax rate for $56.3 mi...
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