Letters to the Editor

Clint Holland sticks to Peachtree City issues, w...
SR 279 Realignment Project casts pall over holidays
‘Fomenting violence’ letter actually foments mis...
Crane brings hometown perspective to City Council

Letters to the Editor

By Letters to the Editor November 22, 2022

Visions of 285 in Peachtree City
Visions of 285 in Peachtree City
Critical transgender statements by Walker foment...

Letters to the Editor

By Letters to the Editor November 21, 2022

Voter urges support for Clint Holland
Voter urges support for Clint Holland
Brown’s Critical Race Theory (CRT) column is rig...
Holland details differences between him and 2nd-...
Candidate Hamner says thanks and answers, ‘What’...
Voter suppression bigger issue than fraud
In praise of responsive principal and staff at S...
So many local institutions that need to be woke
It’s a mistake, not voter suppression, says Boar...
82 days and still no response from Peachtree Cit...

Letters to the Editor

By Letters to the Editor October 25, 2022

Molech would be pleased
Molech would be pleased
4 of 5 council candidates jointly pledge to impr...
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