Letters to the Editor

Incumbent Kevin Madden announces for reelection ...
Planning Commissioner Frank Destadio announces p...
Gretchen Caola announces for Post 3 Peachtree Ci...

Letters to the Editor

By Letters to the Editor August 10, 2021

Cuomo, abortion and sexual harassment
Cuomo, abortion and sexual harassment
Gov. Kemp, stay out of local schools’ mask decis...
Remembering ‘Father Dan’ Brigham

Letters to the Editor

By Letters to the Editor August 3, 2021

Olympic blues
Olympic blues
Needed: Freeze on weapons of mass destruction
Updating my letter about mayoral candidate Ferra...
Plan for PTC PAC funding candidates intent on re...
Vaccine doubts: Reap what you sow
Mayoral candidate Nick Ferrante lines up with ‘m...
Council members Ernst and Madden get thumbs down...

Letters to the Editor

By Letters to the Editor July 10, 2021

Chicken Little?
Chicken Little?
Despite dire warning letters, average Fayette re...

Letters to the Editor

By Letters to the Editor June 30, 2021

China hypocrisy
China hypocrisy
Progressives dumb-down education goals for Black...
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