Breaking News

FCHS band dominates Heart of Georgia competition
Peachtree City Fire Chief O’Conor to retire to C...
Whitewater High School staff creating ways to ge...

Board of Education

By Cal Beverly October 25, 2021

Mandatory masking ends in Fayette schools
Mandatory masking ends in Fayette schools
Fayette’s graduation rate 7th highest in Georgia...
Fayette singer, Jenane, making good as pop and R...
Superintendent Patterson joins Real Men in Pink ...
Huddleston student takes flight as a published a...
Covid cases in Fayette schools at lowest point s...
‘Moving Wall’ coming to this area
Local candidates answer 6 questions about themse...
All Peachtree City workers get 5.2% raise; start...
Covid cases in Fayette schools at lowest level s...
Early voting for Peachtree City, Fayetteville an...
A crippling disease may lurk in your backyard
Kelli Dodd returns to Legacy with Kelli Sings Do...
4 drive-by shooting suspects arrested after Faye...
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