

Meet Bubba Hanks

Lying on my back, I couldn’t comprehend exactly what had happened. Against all rules of after-school fights, three blows to my face had come in quick succession and landed with […]


Marriage & political expedience

Former NPR and current Fox News political analyst Juan Williams made an excellent point Monday night on “The O’Reilly Factor.” Williams said the major reason President Obama had not endorsed


Reflections on the French election outcome

[Editor’s note: A version of this article first appeared at] The election of Socialist Party candidate Francois Hollande to the presidency of France epitomizes the sorry state of contemporary


Mama bird

With a Mother’s Day column due Thursday morning and it being only Wednesday, I really wasn’t too concerned that no idea had yet burst forth down onto paper. Besides, in


The uniform

On Friday, April 24, 1970, I graduated from boot camp at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S.C. For three months, I had been a member of Platoon 223,


College, loans and success

It is something of a truism that whenever the federal government steps in, costs usually rise and efficiency declines. That is especially true when it comes to a college education,


Dixie Dew’s BIG news

It’s me. Dixie Dew, again. Y’all who read this column regularly know that I am Ronda’s adorable and svelte (though she writes differently) dachshund. This is the third time I’ve


The best birthday gift

Over the last 54 years, yours truly has received many wonderful birthday gifts. It’s true, some gifts have been better than others. Some I wish I’d never gotten. Still, family


Give ’em ‘L,’ Mitt

In the 1993 movie “Dave” the faux president (played by Kevin Kline) calls in his best friend (played by Charles Grodin) and they stay up all night balancing the federal


GOP is a party in fundamental flux

[Editor’s note: A version of this article first appeared at] With Rick Santorum having dropped out of the race, Mitt Romney is apparently the Republican nominee for POTUS, barring


Unruly children

After a long week of working and school, The Wife was ready for it. And after a long week of fighting fires, rescuing damsels in distress, and writing, I was


Happy birthday, Earth!

On April 22 more than 500 million people around the world celebrated, as they do every year. There were ceremonies, proclamations, and news stories. There were donations and gifts. There


Who is ‘racist’?

Whatever the ultimate outcome of the case against George Zimmerman for his shooting of Trayvon Martin, what has happened already is enough to turn the stomach of anyone who believes


Don’t call me Granny

When you’ve known someone since you were teenagers and have shared deep secrets ranging from boys to money to worries and wishes, you think you know them well and that


The Bully

Recently, many of the news media have focused on the problem with bullies in school and how to deal with the problem. It’s about time. The neighborhood where I grew


Coconut judgment

Early one morning, with razor in hand, a look in the mirror revealed more than I expected. Okay, stop laughing. I’m not talking about the extra few pounds that somehow


Criminal justice reform

by David Keene and Randy Hicks The criminal justice debate is often divided into two camps: “Tough on Crime” and “Soft on Crime.” What we need, however, is “Smart on


Daddy’s little book

I never took my daddy for the sentimental kind. And in this assessment, I was not alone. He was a man’s man with a generous heart and compassionate spirit but

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