ABOUT US — How To Get Published

Advertising — Fayette Publishing produces a local news and events website serving Fayette County in Georgia — TheCitizen.com. It will be our pleasure to discuss advertising options with you.

If you want to buy advertising space in TheCitizen.com online, you may email [email protected] anytime.

You may email to the following addresses:

[email protected] (for all online advertising except CLASSIFIEDS)

[email protected] (for all obituaries)

In addition to regular display advertising, the following are paid advertising: obituaries, and anniversaries of under 50 years.

Submit a Classified

Our jobs and other classified ads are self-service. Here’s what to do:

1. Use your web browser to go to TheCitizen.com.

2. You will reach our home page.

3. FOR DESKTOP or LAPTOP USERS: If you are on a desktop or laptop computer, click on “Classifieds” in the blue bar at the upper right of your screen and in the dropdown menu, click on “Add.” Follow the directions to enter your ad and your payment information.

FOR PHONE USERS: Tap the 3 horizontal lines in the left side of the blue bar beside The Citizen logo. Then click on Classifieds. In the list that appears, click on “Click here.” to get to the directions on how to enter your ad and your payment information.

Suggest or Submit A Story — Send information, photos, and news or sports tips for consideration to our editorial department

[email protected]


How to get published

Follow these steps to get your unpaid information considered for publication in our online edition, TheCitizen.com.

First, please email us first. Emails are the best way to get our attention, NOT telephone calls. We have a small staff. Emails save everybody time, and can be answered at any time of day or night. Our business phones are not monitored around the clock and usually go directly to voice mail. Emails are best.

Here are our email addresses for news tips and news stories, public relations releases, sports, events, church and community announcements:

PRIMARY email is [email protected]

If you have a question about anything not covered in this set of directions, please EMAIL us for fastest response.

In order to get your information/photo printed online, please consider both our needs and our limitations in getting this emailed information into a printed form and on our website.

1. How the information is described in the all-important SUBJECT line — We receive between 600 and 1,000 emails a day. Please help your chances of even being seen and recognized by including EXACT and SPECIFIC information in the subject line about EXACTLY what the email is about. “Press Release” and nothing else just doesn’t do the job.

2. Be careful about file format used to send us your information. It’s easiest for us (read: more likely to receive timely processing) if the information is contained in text form within the body text of the email message. Use cut-and-paste from Word or your word processing program.

3. It gets harder for us to process your information if it comes in a pdf or as an attachment. The simple formula is pdf = more steps for us. If it’s routine, and in a difficult to process format, it falls to the bottom of our to-do list.

4. We CANNOT extract photos or graphics that are embedded within a pdf or Word file. Forget that photo; it’s not going to make it online, unless you send the photo as a separate graphic file, preferably a jpg file.

5. If you want to see the photo for online use, smaller file sizes are OK, so long as the files are ABOVE 100 kilobytes each (in jpg or png file formats). If you have multiple photos in large file sizes, send each photo in a separate email. A good measure: Keep the email file itself with all attachments under 10 megabytes.

6. Information sent in file formats like PowerPoint, Excel spreadsheets and “windat” email attachments is difficult for us to process into usable text. Unless it’s something we have explicitly requested in that format or unless the information is of “Stop the presses!” caliber, we will just disregard those file formats. Routine news releases in those formats will be discarded.

7. We want and need information and photos contributed from our readers. We ask you to please make it easier for us to get that information through our editorial systems to the general public.

8. YOU write what you want to see published. We will edit it as needed. A laundry list of factoids is not a news story. Neither is a pdf “flyer” of a coming event. Please email your story to us.

9. In most cases, YOU take the photograph and email it to us. With our small staff, we just cannot send somebody to every event worthy of coverage. Include identifying information in your email about what each photo depicts, including the date of the photo, where it was taken, who took it and who shows up in it, left to right, front to back.

10. For opinions, including letters to the editor, email to [email protected]. For your letter to be posted, we need your street address and daytime phone number (neither of which will be posted) and your city of residence (which will be posted). Your editorial submission is subject to editing for length, grammar, spelling and general intelligibility. Emails are required. No libelous material will be published.



The Citizen publishes online reports of arrests in Fayette County. The information is furnished to us from local law enforcement agencies and is compliant with Georgia’s Open Records law.

From time to time, individuals seek to have names removed from those published public records. The following has been our policy since 1993 and continues today:

(1) If the error is ours, we will correct it (typo, misprint, transposition, etc.), but NOT remove it.

Or (2) If the item involves an arrest, and if you can produce official, documented, written evidence from the arresting agency that arresting officials made an error in arresting you or an error in releasing to us the report of your arrest (a typo, misprint, misspelling or an error in reporting the official charges), then we will correct the historical record.

Otherwise, we reproduce as accurately as possible the official record of arrests by law enforcement agencies in Fayette County. In doing so, we operate in compliance with Georgia law and under the legal doctrine known as “limited privilege.”

We do NOT remove the published record of engagements, marriages, graduations, divorces, etc.

It is our long-standing policy NOT to alter the historical record, absent the compelling reasons detailed above.

— REVISED 02-23-20

Cal Beverly, editor

Report A Problem Our webmaster will address any issues you may have with this site ([email protected]).

Our mailing address is P.O. Drawer 1719, Fayetteville, GA 30214

Our general email address is [email protected]


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