FCBA donates to Bloom


The Fayette County Baseball Association presented Bloom with a donation May 5 for $3,655 to help support the local charity’s programs. Funds for this donation were raised through the FCBA Opening Day activities, with the association matching the funds that were raised.

Bloom’s programs serve 3,000 foster children annually. Established in 1986, Bloom’s mission is deeply grounded in the belief that all children deserve the opportunity to achieve their personal best despite their circumstances. The 501(c)3 nonprofit organization was formed in Fayetteville with the purpose of “providing safe shelter and physical, educational, and emotional support to children who have been the victims of abuse, neglect, or other tragic circumstances in order to strengthen them for the next phase of life.”

Bloom advocates for foster children and families using a family-centric, three-pronged approach, which includes: recruiting, training, and certifying foster families through the Team Bloom Foster Parenting program; providing specialized training and support to Bloom Foster families through “Bloom University” training program, and operating The Bloom Closet, a free clothing resource center for foster children in Georgia.

In the Team Bloom Foster Parenting Program, Bloom recruits, trains, supports and oversees families who are willing take in all types of foster children, including basic level foster children, as well as those who are medically fragile, have significant psychiatric issues, or are pregnant and parenting teen girls. In order to prepare and educate Bloom foster parents, Bloom also provides monthly “Bloom University” classes to equip them with the knowledge, training, and skills they need to address common issues that foster children face.

The Bloom Closet, Bloom’s cost-free clothing boutique, provides another avenue of support for foster children in Georgia. Foster children in Georgia can “shop” at The Bloom Closet for clothing and necessities. In 2017, The Bloom Closet served 3,000 foster children from 90 Georgia counties and gave away more than $700,000 worth of merchandise. The Bloom Closet is operated mainly by volunteers and stocked with donations from the community, civic organizations, church groups, and businesses. 

Over the last three years, the Fayette County Baseball Association has donated over $12,000 back to the local community through other charities including the Fayette County Special Olympics and the Shriners.

FCBA plays all of its league games at Kiwanis Park with teams ranging from 4U – 16U.   The league plays in both the spring and the fall.

For more information about Fayette County Baseball Association, visit www.fayettecountybaseball.com.

For more information about Bloom, visit www.bloomouryouth.org.