
Rising Starr students transported via virtual re...
Update from mayoral candidate Kim Learnard
Peachtree City faces big split in House Republic...
School system’s Covid rules on remote learning e...
Thanks for voting, Peachtree City, but we’re not...
Election was local victory over radical left
Election demonstrates that many Democrats remain...
Learnard, Imker in runoff for mayor, Destadio an...

Letters to the Editor

By Letters to the Editor October 31, 2021

Nope to Nick, yes to Knope (Kim)
Nope to Nick, yes to Knope (Kim)
Frank Destadio for Post 4 is independent, known ...
Rallying cry for Nov. 2 voting in Peachtree City
Nick Ferrante: Peachtree City is falling behind;...
Ferrante — unique and positive candidate for mayor
Who’s funding Nick Ferrante’s campaign?
‘Magic bubble’ campaign disguises hard-left radi...

Board of Education

By Cal Beverly October 25, 2021

Mandatory masking ends in Fayette schools
Mandatory masking ends in Fayette schools
Peachtree City candidates’ forum today
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