
Far-left ‘woke’ politics invades Peachtree City

Letters to the Editor

By Letters to the Editor October 19, 2021

Eric Imker: Why I am running for mayor
Eric Imker: Why I am running for mayor
Covid cases in Fayette schools at lowest point s...

Letters to the Editor

By Letters to the Editor October 16, 2021

Liking Biden vs. disliking Biden
Liking Biden vs. disliking Biden
The Peachtree City Council candidates rated — 1-...
Concerns about a stealth candidate for mayor of ...
Local candidates answer 6 questions about themse...
As early voting starts, mayoral candidate Learna...
Early voting for Peachtree City, Fayetteville an...
Meet, greet and question Tyrone Council candidat...
Revealed: Mayoral candidate Ferrante supported b...
Fayette School Board must plan now to get back t...


By Letters to the Editor October 1, 2021

Incoherence reigns
Incoherence reigns

Breaking News

By The Citizen September 26, 2021

Do you qualify for a Covid booster shot?
Do you qualify for a Covid booster shot?
Remember that other virus? Seasonal flu vaccine ...
Public comments moved to end of Fayette School B...
Family loses mother, father to Covid, Sheriff’s ...
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